Reading-time data for
broad-coverage models of English sentence processing
Stefan L. Frank, Irene F.
Monsalve, Robin L. Thompson, and Gabriella Vigliocco (2013)
Behavior Research Methods, 45,
The originally published
background information file for eye-tracking participants contained one
participant whose data was excluded whereas it failed to include one
participant whose data was included. This caused a misalignment between
ID-number and bakground information for the intermediate participants.
Background information of the wrongly excluded participant could no
longer be recovered and is marked "NA" in the adjusted
information file. Note that this
error did not affect the published eye-tracking data in any way.
Under Methods / Eye-tracking /
Materials and subjects,
the paper claims that subjects were "27 females, 37 native English
speakers, mean age = 25.8 years" (p. 1183). This should read: "26
females, 37 native English speakers, mean age = 25.3 years; one
subject's gender, nativeness, and age are unknown".